Dr Lisa
The secret to my success is knowing what drives you and what stops you.
I can teach you how to meet both your expectations and your dreams.
Dr. Lisa J L Wicker

Hi, I’m Dr. Lisa J. Lindsay Wicker, thought leader in Human Resources, change management, and career development.
I connect people across the world, helping companies create value, and empower women to take control of their careers.
As well as an award-winning, internationally recognized Human Resources and career strategist,
I am the Founder and CEO of women’s leadership capacity company, Career Mastered, and Publisher of Career Mastered Magazine.
I am also the founder of global human resources firm, Linwick & Associates, and host of the Career Mastered Virtual Cafe, for advancing women’s leadership.
With a dynamic approach to life and an iconic signature style, I’m a veteran of comprehensive human capital strategies for multi-billion-dollar global organizations.
My more than 25 years’ experience has seen me create organizational value and strong real-world results by helping people.


Respected as a credible voice in decision making,
I find strategic business and investment partners, establish governance boundaries, and harness the power of the community.
The secret to my success is knowing what drives you and what stops you. I can teach you how to meet both your expectations and your dreams.
Though this is not by accident, it’s part of my story.
I was born in the Mississippi Delta.
I know the value of my southern roots and the community who rallied around
one another in the 1960s.
I learned early on that my purse is not my worth and that human capital is golden.
I was taught that giving up is not an option and detours need to be planned for.
These lessons have taught me what it takes to create a well trained, qualified and reliable team.
Working with leaders across corporate America, and beyond, my work is to inspire women as they climb this difficult ladder.
I share my contemporary experiences and empowering principles with my clients, as demonstrated in my books, "The Winning Spirit" and "Power Play"!

Awards + Accolades
Dr Lisa has received numerous honors including:
Voted “Ace Recruiter” and “One of the Most Successful Businesswomen in Detroit” by The Detroit News.
​Dubbed a “Trailblazer” by the Michigan Chronicle
Recognized as one of “America’s Top 100 Executives” by Uptown Magazine
Named Black Enterprise Magazine’s “Top Executives in Diversity.”
Named Top 50 Women of Influence by Charlotte Mecklenburg Times
Walker’s Legacy Top 25 Women of Power Award
Dr. Lisa’s vision and can-do attitude resulted in the first ever “Metropolitan Detroit’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For” program.
Founded Career Mastered Women’s Leadership Network, Leadership Awards and Career Mastered Magazine
Founded Excel Village STEM-FAM Power Summit & Mentoring and the LaVerne Gardner Lindsay Stewart Scholarship Program
Board of Trustee Advisor for a $20 Million Startup technology company.
Served on the White House Steering Committee on Historically Black College & Universities (HBCU)
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